Monday, May 13, 2013

52 things in 52 weeks: checking in

I've crossed a few more items off the big 'ole list of 52 Things in 52 Weeks!

We're now up to a grand total of 12 Things that have been completed. Here's what I've been up to lately.

#21: Design a piece of art and frame it in our home.

I'm pretty proud of this picture I designed myself.

It might not qualify as "art" to anyone else, but it does to me. And it looks great in our bedroom!

#40: Write/type in my journal every day for one month. 

I did this back in March, and it was great! Unfortunately, I've only written in my journal a few times since then, but at the very least, I now have a month's worth of entries that will help me remember what life was like in 2013. And hopefully I can encourage myself to journal more often.

#46: Have personal scripture study every day for one month.

I know I should be doing this without such a strong reminder, but I don't always. And I'm happy to report that I've been much better about reading the scriptures on my own since doing this challenge!

Throughout April, the month I did #46, I came to think of reading my scriptures as something to check off my to-do list during the day. And while that mentality is not great, it did help me realize that scripture reading doesn't need to take place right before I fall asleep; in fact, reading the scriptures during the day often worked better and helped me more than reading them at night did.

#50: Make and deliver dinner to someone else.

This is another one that makes me feel a little silly to even admit to putting on my list. But alas. I had never taken dinner to anyone who needed some dinner! I am not a very confident cook, and I've always felt intimidated by the idea.

So when a family from church welcomed a new baby last month, I volunteered to take them dinner! Thanks to an easy lasagna recipe from my sister Rachel, it wasn't even painful. And now hopefully I can be less of a wuss.

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