Friday, April 12, 2013

emerson lately

Emerson is growing up quickly, but I still feel like he's my squishy little baby, so I don't feel too bad about it yet. It helps that he doesn't even crawl yet, so he kind of still is my squishy baby.

He's as cute as ever, and he loves flailing his arms and legs. It's hard to get a good picture of him, because he's always moving.

At nine and a half months, he has way more hair than I ever expected him to (I'm pretty sure I was bald until I was two), and it's super cute.

He now has four teeth (just barely), and he loves to bite everything, especially our clothes.

Mmm, jeans.
At his nine-month appointment, he measured 28.5 inches (45th percentile) and weighed 19 pounds (35th percentile). He's already slimming down!

He's getting to be quite vocal and loves calling out mama! whenever he's lonely or hungry and dada! when he's excited. Hmm.

We went out for lunch the other day when Andrew didn't have class, and it was cold in the restaurant, so I let Emerson borrow my cardigan. He loved it.

He's still a great sleeper, and he's starting to eat a lot more food, which is fun (and time consuming). He loves playing with socks, shoes, cords, and paper.

And he still makes some great faces.

He's a great baby, and we love him to pieces!

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