Monday, November 4, 2013

what we've been up to


Emerson took his very first steps about a month ago, but he's really taken off in the past week or two. Hooray! His barely stable toddle is adorable.

He can say box ("bah") and ball (also "bah") and will sometimes tell you that a dog says woof (more like "woo"). He LOVES boxes, containers, anything with a lid, and anything that can fit anything else inside of it—like this pumpkin purse.

This is his favorite spot to sit.

Don't mind the headband necklace.

This is his favorite spot to stand. Yes I know; it's very dangerous.

This is his favorite way to make a mess.

And any electronic device he can get his hands on is always a big hit.

We went to a pumpkin patch a few weeks ago with the whole family, and Emerson got to ride a...panda?

Then he went down the giant slide with Daddy.

And then he got a lightning bolt (??) painted on his arm. It was only $2, so that pretty much explains it.

We also checked out a smaller pumpkin patch, where he got to pick out a baby pumpkin.

  He was the cutest Superman for Halloween.

He makes us laugh and smile every day!

Everyone else

Andrew's powering through his second year of law school like a pro. He still manages to be a great daddy even though he has to spend a lot of time studying and fulfilling church responsibilities.

Daddy is Emerson's favorite—he (Emerson) cries violently whenever Andrew has to leave.

On the baby front, I think the worst of the morning sickness is finally behind us! I'm still throwing up a few times a week, but it's not too bad. The doctor's appointments have all gone well, and I've been feeling the baby more and more.

I haven't had too many strange cravings. Other than the Saturday morning I woke up and really wanted German pancakes. Andrew came to the rescue and found a great recipe and had it on the table in minutes!

With boysenberry syrup and powdered sugar. Mmmm.
He's the best.

We also had a super clever Halloween costume.

Get it? My favorite part is Andrew's manly apron.

Monday, June 24, 2013

a fantastic first birthday

To celebrate Emerson's big day, we headed to the carousel at Riverfront Park with Austin, Sammie, and Maisie.

Daddy chose the tallest horse there was.

Cheesy photobomb face.
Just pretend the bar isn't there.
Then after Emerson's afternoon nap, it was time to party!

I just woke up, and all these balloons appeared!
The monkey cake.
Mini pizzas a la Grandma Stitt.
Yes, applesauce. Emerson loves it.
Then came unwrapping presents. He started off slowly, but then he got the hang of it.

Hello, camera!
And then, of course, the cake devouring. He went for a chocolate donut (an ear) first. Smart boy.

Then the Peppermint Pattie (an eye). He was a little taken aback by the mintiness.

Finally getting the idea (we helped).

And then the other ear.

The terrifying aftermath.

It was a great day! We love our Emerson boy.

splashin' around

We've been checking out some of Salem's splash pads lately with Aunt Sammie and cousin Maisie. Emerson is mostly a fan.


Trying to crawl without his knees touching the ground.
Daddy put me on top of a fountain.
And then the water came on.
I didn't like it.
My cold/angry face.
Thankfully, I got over the shock.